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Teaches Teleport: Dalaran.

Price: $13.13

While it appears this recipe was burned horribly and no longer contains any magic, a vendor might not know the difference...

Price: $68.73

Teaches you how to craft an Amulet of Flowing Life.

Price: $8.75

Teaches you how to cut a Delicate Living Ruby.

Price: $8.04

Teaches you how to cut a Destructive Skyfire Diamond.

Price: $9.14

Teaches you how to craft an Embrace of the Dawn.

Price: $8.31

Teaches you how to craft an Emerald Crown of Destruction.

Price: $5.25

Teaches you how to craft a Heavy Golden Necklace of Battle.

Price: $7.01

Teaches you how to cut a Jagged Talasite.

Price: $5.14

Teaches you how to craft a Pendant of Sunfire.

Price: $13.13

Teaches you how to cut a Potent Noble Topaz.

Price: $7.69

Teaches you how to cut a Purified Nightseye.

Price: $10.67

Teaches you how to cut a Purified Twilight Opal

Price: $7.01

Teaches you how to cut a Reckless Noble Topaz.

Price: $14.87

Teaches you how to craft a Thick Felsteel Necklace.

Price: $7.31

Teaches you how to permanently enchant boots to increase Spirit and Stamina by 10. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600.

Price: $12.23

Teaches you how to permanently enchant bracers to increase Versatility by 3. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600.

Price: $3.61

Teaches you how to permanently enchant bracers to increase Spirit by 12. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600.

Price: $17.50

Teaches you how to permanently enchant chest armor to increase all stats by 4. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600.

Price: $11.30

Teaches you how to permanently enchant gloves to increase mount speed by 2%. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600.

Price: $9.79