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Teaches you how to cut an Agile Shadowspirit Diamond.

Price: $2.72

Teaches you how to craft an Amulet of Flowing Life.

Price: $4.70

Teaches you how to craft a Braided Eternium Chain.

Price: $3.17

Teaches you how to cut a Brutal Earthstorm Diamond.

Price: $5.99

Teaches you how to craft a Chain of the Twilight Owl.

Price: $2.81

Teaches you how to cut a Deadly Flame Spessarite.

Price: $5.95

Teaches you how to craft a Delicate Eternium Ring.

Price: $2.69

Teaches you how to cut a Destructive Skyfire Diamond.

Price: $6.56

Teaches you how to cut a Fierce Hessonite.

Price: $3.45

Teaches you how to craft Heavy Iron Knuckles.

Price: $20.17

Teaches you how to cut a Mystical Skyfire Diamond.

Price: $5.12

Teaches you how to craft a Pendant of Sunfire.

Price: $3.24

Teaches you how to cut a Radiant Talasite.

Price: $9.31

Teaches you how to cut a Smooth Dawnstone.

Price: $4.54

Teaches you how to cut a Sparkling Star of Elune.

Price: $2.64

Teaches you how to cut a Stormy Zephyrite.

Price: $2.63

Teaches you how to cut a Subtle Dawnstone.

Price: $11.55