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Teaches you how to make an Arcanite Reaper.

Price: $10.73

Teaches you how to make Blessed Bracers.

Price: $50.11

Teaches you how to make Corruption.

Price: $15.02

Teaches you how to make a Darkrune Breastplate.

Price: $5.87

Teaches you how to make a Darkrune Helm.

Price: $5.22

Teaches you how to make Dawnbringer Shoulders.

Price: $11.43

Teaches you how to make Emberforged Elementium Boots.

Price: $11.45

Teaches you how to make Eternal Elementium Handguards.

Price: $7.45

Teaches you how to make a Fel Hardened Maul.

Price: $35.78

Teaches you how to make Felfury Gauntlets.

Price: $358.15

Teaches you how to make a Felsteel Reaper.

Price: $30.75

Teaches you how to make Fists of Fury.

Price: $9.55

Teaches you how to make Gauntlets of the Iron Tower.

Price: $98.79

Teaches you how to make Golden Scale Boots.

Price: $50.06

Teaches you how to make Golden Scale Shoulders.

Price: $6.64

Teaches you how to make Green Iron Gauntlets.

Price: $2.66

Teaches you how to make Hand of Eternity.

Price: $38.36

Teaches you how to make a Hard Khorium Battleplate.

Price: $9.42

Teaches you how to make a Helm of the Great Chief.

Price: $202.95

Teaches you how to make a Jade Serpentblade.

Price: $9.96