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Teaches you how to make Annihilator Holo-gogs.

Price: $8.10

Teaches you how to make a Crashin' Thrashin' Robot.

Price: $11.85

Teaches you how to make a Dark Iron Bomb.

Price: $6.00

Teaches you how to make EZ-Thro Dynamite II.

Price: $5.34

Teaches you how to make Fused Wiring.

Price: $28.83

Teaches you how to make a Goblin Land Mine.

Price: $2.79

Teaches you how to make a Healing Potion Injector.

Price: $4.79

Teaches you how to make a Large Seaforium Charge.

Price: $3.49

Teaches you how to make a Lifelike Mechanical Toad.

Price: $50.05

Teaches you how to make an Ornate Khorium Rifle.

Price: $4.46

Teaches you how to make Primal-Attuned Goggles.

Price: $6.20

Teaches you how to make a Purple Smoke Flare.

Price: $7.41

Teaches you how to make Quad Deathblow X44 Goggles.

Price: $10.93

Teaches you how to make a Sniper Scope.

Price: $7.23

Teaches you how to make Wonderheal XT68 Shades.

Price: $8.95

Teaches you how to make a World Enlarger.

Price: $2.97