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Teaches you how to make an Accurate Scope.

Price: $29.63

Teaches you how to make Annihilator Holo-gogs.

Price: $6.86

Teaches you how to make an Arcane Bomb.

Price: $11.17

Teaches you how to make Bright-Eye Goggles.

Price: $10.68

Teaches you how to make Catseye Ultra Goggles.

Price: $2.97

Teaches you how to make Cogspinner Goggles.

Price: $8.89

Teaches you how to make a Dark Iron Bomb.

Price: $2.52

Teaches you how to make a Deepdive Helmet.

Price: $56.48

Teaches you how to make a Fel Iron Toolbox.

Price: $7.70

Teaches you how to make a Flash Bomb.

Price: $9.14

Teaches you how to make Hard Khorium Goggles.

Price: $17.98

Teaches you how to make Hyper-Magnified Moon Specs.

Price: $8.85

Teaches you how to make Justicebringer 3000 Specs.

Price: $5.48

Teaches you how to make a Lovingly Crafted Boomstick.

Price: $59.25

Teaches you how to make a Major Recombobulator.

Price: $25.19

Teaches you how to make a Mana Potion Injector.

Price: $3.08

Teaches you how to make an Ornate Khorium Rifle.

Price: $13.34

Teaches you how to make Power Amplification Goggles.

Price: $11.01

Teaches you how to make Quad Deathblow X44 Goggles.

Price: $22.75

Teaches you how to make a Sniper Scope.

Price: $3.32