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Parts to construct this module are found in Draenor dungeons or sold on the auction house.

Price: $7.70

Probably harmless.

Price: $32.06

The inscription inside is illegible.

Price: $15.81

There is a mysterious power to this crystal.

Price: $7.76

Price: $2.82

Price: $9.65

Has room for two.

Price: $7.62

Price: $10.61

I will always count you as a brother.

Price: $17.78

Price: $10.37

Don't try this at home.

Price: $17.59

Not actually a good idea to leave in your pocket.

Price: $51.85

Price: $77.68

Fit for a queen. Highly satisfying for growing bees.

Races: Human, Human, Dwarf, Dwarf, Night Elf, Night Elf, Gnome, Gnome, Draenei, Draenei, Worgen, Pandaren, , , ,

Price: $4.45

Price: $5.89

Part 2 of 4

Price: $4.70

A lament for the days forever lost to the Banshee Queen.

Price: $17.78

An old journal describing various creatures and treasures of the Timeless Isle.

Price: $5.99

Price: $6.85

Vaguely shaped like a skull, the major features have been worn down by the years.

Price: $10.16