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This item appears damaged by the elements and no longer readable.

Price: $97.38

This item appears damaged by the elements and no longer readable.

Price: $44.80

Teaches you how to craft an Amulet of Flowing Life.

Price: $3.26

Teaches you how to craft a Braided Eternium Chain.

Price: $12.98

Teaches you how to cut a Deadly Flame Spessarite.

Price: $5.87

Teaches you how to cut a Destructive Skyfire Diamond.

Price: $6.05

Teaches you how to craft an Embrace of the Dawn.

Price: $3.33

Teaches you how to cut an Etched Twilight Opal.

Price: $6.46

Teaches you how to cut a Flashing Living Ruby.

Price: $4.10

Teaches you how to cut a Glinting Nightseye.

Price: $72.50

Teaches you how to craft a Heavy Felsteel Ring.

Price: $7.51

Teaches you how to craft Heavy Iron Knuckles.

Price: $55.94

Teaches you how to cut an Inscribed Noble Topaz.

Price: $3.71

Teaches you how to cut a Potent Noble Topaz.

Price: $3.20

Teaches you how to cut a Resolute Monarch Topaz

Price: $3.21

Teaches you how to cut a Sovereign Twilight Opal

Price: $5.91

Teaches you how to cut a Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond.

Price: $5.49

Teaches you how to cut a Thundering Skyfire Diamond.

Price: $2.91

Teaches you how to cut a Timeless Nightseye.

Price: $7.71

Teaches you how to cut a Veiled Shadow Draenite.

Price: $5.89