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Combining these seems like a very bad idea.

Price: $10.37

Price: $9.02

Price: $2.59

Price: $7.89

This scratched and dented hilt once belonged to an ancient sword.

Races: Human, Human, Dwarf, Dwarf, Night Elf, Night Elf, Gnome, Gnome, Draenei, Draenei, Worgen, Pandaren

Price: $17.44

This scratched and dented hilt once belonged to an ancient sword.

Races: Orc, Orc, Undead, Undead, Tauren, Tauren, Trol, Trol, Goblin, Blood Elf, Blood Elf, Pandaren

Price: $20.48

One of the lesser Paragons of Power from the Gurubashi Empire.

Price: $33.10

Races: Human, Human, Dwarf, Dwarf, Night Elf, Night Elf, Gnome, Gnome, Draenei, Draenei, Worgen, Pandaren

Price: $5.63

Bears the seal of the Argent Dawn.

Price: $5.87

Price: $8.89

These words are unintelligible

Price: $4.99

Price: $5.93

One of the lesser Paragons of Power from the Gurubashi Empire.

Price: $36.48

One of the lesser Paragons of Power from the Gurubashi Empire.

Price: $21.64

Someone must have dropped this...

Price: $7.38

The doll resembles a warrior.

Price: $13.04

The doll resembles a priest.

Price: $13.04

One of the lesser Paragons of Power from the Gurubashi Empire.

Price: $7.41

It's leaking what is hopefully not real blood.

Price: $6.93