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Teaches you how to make Annihilator Holo-gogs.

Price: $15.95

Teaches you how to make an Arcane Bomb.

Price: $22.89

Teaches you how to make a Craftman's Monocle.

Price: $8.95

Teaches you how to make a Crashin' Thrashin' Robot.

Price: $17.26

Teaches you how to make a Delicate Arcanite Converter.

Price: $4.21

Teaches you how to make a Discombobulator Ray.

Price: $17.50

Teaches you how to make a Flame Deflector.

Price: $16.33

Teaches you how to make a Flash Bomb.

Price: $17.28

Teaches you how to make a Gnomish Cloaking Device.

Price: $4.59

Teaches you how to make Hard Khorium Goggles.

Price: $4.48

Teaches you how to make a Healing Potion Injector.

Price: $5.45

Teaches you how to make a Lifelike Mechanical Toad.

Price: $14.91

Teaches you how to make Lightning Etched Specs.

Price: $4.57

Teaches you how to make a Major Recombobulator.

Price: $4.38

Teaches you how to make a Mana Potion Injector.

Price: $4.50

Teaches you how to make Mayhem Projection Goggles.

Price: $9.19

Teaches you how to make an Ornate Khorium Rifle.

Price: $4.38

Teaches you how to make Power Amplification Goggles.

Price: $11.38

Teaches you how to make Powerheal 9000 Lens.

Price: $7.83

Teaches you how to make a Purple Smoke Flare.

Price: $12.89