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Teaches you how to sew Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers.

Races: Orc, Orc, Undead, Undead, Tauren, Tauren, Trol, Trol, Goblin, Blood Elf, Blood Elf, Pandaren

Price: $10.36

Teaches you how to sew a Black Belt of Knowledge.

Price: $22.74

Teaches you how to sew a Blue Lumberjack Shirt.

Price: $35.62

Teaches you how to sew a Blue Workman's Shirt.

Price: $17.32

Teaches you how to craft Boots of the Black Flame.

Price: $10.50

Teaches you how to sew Boots of the Enchanter.

Price: $6.71

Teaches you how to sew Cindercloth Gloves.

Price: $5.05

Teaches you how to sew Cindercloth Pants.

Price: $13.49

Teaches you how to sew a Cindercloth Vest.

Price: $6.71

Teaches you how to sew a Cloak of Eternity.

Price: $12.67

Teaches you how to sew a Colorful Kilt.

Price: $4.73

Teaches you how to craft Don Tayo's Inferno Mittens.

Price: $6.07

Teaches you how to craft Dreamwraps of the Light.

Price: $3.56

Teaches you how to sew an Earthen Silk Belt.

Price: $3.65

Teaches you how to sew an Enchanted Runecloth Bag.

Price: $3.77

Teaches you how to sew a Girdle of Ruination.

Price: $23.98

Teaches you how to sew Gloves of Spell Mastery.

Price: $38.22

Teaches you how to sew a Green Holiday Shirt.

Price: $4.29

Teaches you how to sew a Green Lumberjack Shirt.

Price: $20.33

Teaches you how to sew Green Silk Armor.

Price: $5.91