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Teaches Teleport: Dalaran.

Price: $8.75

Price: $9.62

Teaches you how to cut a Beaming Earthsiege Diamond

Price: $4.51

Teaches you how to craft a Blazing Eternium Band.

Price: $12.25

Teaches you how to cut a Bold Living Ruby.

Price: $5.47

Teaches you how to craft a Braided Eternium Chain.

Price: $9.10

Teaches you how to cut a Brilliant Living Ruby.

Price: $4.57

Teaches you how to craft a Chain of the Twilight Owl.

Price: $11.32

Teaches you how to cut a Champion's Monarch Topaz

Price: $11.12

Teaches you how to cut a Deadly Flame Spessarite.

Price: $7.63

Teaches you how to cut a Defender's Nightstone.

Price: $5.17

Teaches you how to cut a Deft Hessonite.

Price: $4.45

Teaches you how to craft a Delicate Eternium Ring.

Price: $9.37

Teaches you how to cut a Delicate Living Ruby.

Price: $6.08

Teaches you how to cut a Destructive Skyfire Diamond.

Price: $10.85

Teaches you how to cut a Destructive Skyflare Diamond

Price: $16.96

Teaches you how to craft an Embrace of the Dawn.

Price: $10.73

Teaches you how to cut a Fierce Hessonite.

Price: $4.26

Teaches you how to cut a Fine Hessonite.

Price: $4.46

Teaches you how to cut a Flashing Living Ruby.

Price: $9.44