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Teaches you how to cut a Beaming Earthsiege Diamond

Price: $7.10

Teaches you how to craft a Braided Eternium Chain.

Price: $5.25

Teaches you how to craft a Delicate Eternium Ring.

Price: $5.50

Teaches you how to craft an Embrace of the Dawn.

Price: $6.43

Teaches you how to craft an Eye of the Night.

Price: $6.14

Teaches you how to craft a Heavy Felsteel Ring.

Price: $12.17

Teaches you how to create a Jeweler's Sapphire Monocle.

Price: $105.00

Teaches you how to craft a Pendant of the Agate Shield.

Price: $116.73

Teaches you how to cut a Purified Twilight Opal

Price: $8.63

Teaches you how to cut a Radiant Talasite.

Price: $9.16

Teaches you how to cut a Rigid Star of Elune.

Price: $7.75

Teaches you how to cut a Stormy Azure Moonstone.

Price: $3.68

Teaches you how to craft a Thick Felsteel Necklace.

Price: $6.31

Teaches you how to cut a Thundering Skyfire Diamond.

Price: $16.81

Teaches you how to cut a Thundering Skyflare Diamond

Price: $7.42

Teaches you how to cut a Timeless Nightseye.

Price: $11.27