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Useful when fishing at the Spires of Arak. Toadfish have an odd shape that only gulpers manage to eat.

Price: $4.28

It be yer trusty anti-hexxor', mon!

Price: $8.28

Price: $13.97

Useful when fishing in Azsuna.

Price: $6.81

Useful when fishing in Shadowmoon. The movement of bottom dwelling Sand Crab attracts the attention of Blind Lake Sturgeons.

Price: $4.03

Only half curious as to the contents. The other half is quite horrified.

Price: $11.46

Deepcoral is filled with a gas that is lighter than air and a favorite of underwater species around Azeroth.

Price: $24.95

Price: $8.75

Price: $9.07

Price: $3.99

It smells... not good.

Price: $5.44

Price: $5.20

Price: $15.75

Are you sure you want to do that?

Price: $3.94

Price: $17.50

Useful when fishing in Tanaan Jungle. The Felmouth Frenzy will feed on any meat - the more putrid, the better.

Price: $16.87

Icy cold to the touch. Useful when fishing in Highmountain.

Price: $11.74