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Teaches you how to sew Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers.

Races: Orc, Orc, Undead, Undead, Tauren, Tauren, Trol, Trol, Goblin, Blood Elf, Blood Elf, Pandaren

Price: $3.96

Teaches you how to sew Bracers of Havok.

Price: $13.39

Teaches you how to sew Cindercloth Gloves.

Price: $5.60

Teaches you how to sew Cindercloth Pants.

Price: $8.00

Teaches you how to sew a Cindercloth Vest.

Price: $7.89

Teaches you how to sew a Cloak of Eternity.

Price: $52.06

Teaches you how to sew a Crimson Silk Robe.

Price: $469.59

Teaches you how to sew a Dark Silk Shirt.

Price: $4.96

Teaches you how to craft Don Tayo's Inferno Mittens.

Price: $4.00

Teaches you how to sew an Enchanted Runecloth Bag.

Price: $195.12

Teaches you how to craft Endless Dream Walkers.

Price: $6.84

Teaches you how to sew Gloves of Spell Mastery.

Price: $17.86

Teaches you how to sew Green Silk Armor.

Price: $12.27

Teaches you how to sew a Green Silk Pack.

Price: $15.56

Teaches you how to craft Grips of Altered Reality.

Price: $10.82

Teaches you how to sew an Imbued Netherweave Bag.

Price: $133.73

Teaches you how to sew Imbued Netherweave Boots.

Price: $64.59

Teaches you how to sew Imbued Netherweave Pants.

Price: $66.57

Teaches you how to sew Imbued Netherweave Robe.

Price: $744.42

Teaches you how to sew a Imbued Netherweave Tunic.

Price: $1015.21