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Teaches you how to craft an Amulet of Flowing Life.

Price: $9.68

Teaches you how to cut a Beaming Earthsiege Diamond

Price: $3.07

Teaches you how to craft a Braided Eternium Chain.

Price: $5.83

Teaches you how to cut a Brilliant Living Ruby.

Price: $4.73

Teaches you how to cut a Champion's Monarch Topaz

Price: $3.90

Teaches you how to cut a Delicate Living Ruby.

Price: $4.02

Teaches you how to craft an Embrace of the Dawn.

Price: $11.00

Teaches you how to craft an Eye of the Night.

Price: $4.96

Teaches you how to craft a Living Ruby Pendant.

Price: $7.49

Teaches you how to cut a Potent Noble Topaz.

Price: $7.53

Teaches you how to cut a Purified Twilight Opal

Price: $6.74

Teaches you how to cut a Shifting Nightseye.

Price: $4.71

Teaches you how to cut a Sparkling Star of Elune.

Price: $4.48

Teaches you how to cut a Subtle Dawnstone.

Price: $3.26